Mixed Plate
Mike Stewart Pipeline Pro -- The Future
"Where is bodyboarding going in 2000 and beyond?"
This is the question I posed to various contest attendants. Here's what each had to say:
Tom Boyle (r), former pro bodyboarder, bodyboarding video producer (Eye Spy Productions): Well, I think this is the beginning of a new era in that Mike Stewart has finally stopped competing at Pipeline and is now running the contest. And I think that should signal what we've been waiting for for a long time and that's for bodyboarders to take their destiny into their own hands and run the sport.
Keith Sasaki (l), former pro bodyboarder, Pit Magazine editor: I'm on that same line as Boyle that bodyboarders should take over the sport, but it's not necessarily just because you're a bodyboarder and you get a position that everything is going to go good. You gotta do it. If you don't do your work, then you should get replaced by a corporate guy. That's the way I feel. There's a lot of young kids out there that take everything for granted--the things that Tom and I and Mike (Stewart) and Ben (Severson) and Pat (Caldwell) have built, and they just don't back it up. And if they don't back it up, then get out.
D.B. Dunlap, former fireman, videographer, bodyboard-women admirer: 2000 hopefully is going to be when the girls really come into their own. They've been making great strides for the last three or four years. More and more each year, the men in our group are paying more attention to them, the sponsors are paying more attention, and we're finally beginning to understand that these women can surf, something I've always known and everyone else is just beginning to figure out. That's my hope for this next 100 years--that everybody is going to see the girls surf and the guys are something you go to the bathroom for.
Bob Thomas, fireman, GOB tour director, bodysurfer: For bodyboarding in 2000 and beyond we are looking for a super tour in addition to the GOB with really good venues; a select team of riders that would compete, like the top guys from different countries; and maybe four events like Tahiti, Fiji, Reunion, Pipeline, something like that.
Fred Simpson, Viper Surfing Fins founder and co-owner, Wedge patriarch: Well, first off I think it's going to come back on strong because it's one of those things like skateboarding comes and goes, snowboarding comes and goes, longboarding comes and goes. And the trend is coming back because our sales are going up and everything in our industry. But I think after we establish an extreme tour with just selected sites and selected guys and get on the new Internet stuff that's coming up, they'll bring glory and challenge back to bodyboarding where it's not just going to be an entry level sport. It'll also be something that as you get older, if you never did standup surf, you can keep doing the bodyboarding. I think really good contest in big stuff will bring it out more.
Curtis Miyashiro, rep: Venues of consequence instead of "grovelly-type" events. And I think the Internet is going to pull it all together with the live remotes because you're going to be able to take it right to the sites and bring it into the homes of millions. Plus I think, like Fred said, everything's cyclical; it's going to come back around, and I think this time, I hope, you're going to get bigger clothing manufacturers involved. The guys that are all supporting the surfers will hopefully start sponsoring the bodyboarders as well. That's something that's definitely needed.
Aka Lyman, pro bodyboarder, amateur football player Uh, I don't know where it's going. Right now, just boogieboarding like I always did back in the day just for fun. In the future, I don't know where it's going 'cause I won't be there!
Spencer Skipper, pro bodyboarder, amateur fashion model Where bodyboarding is going? Hopefully, in the air. In the air, that's where.
Mike Stewart, a pretty decent bodyboarder: I think it's going to go in waves of consequence, guys going for it, all out.
Vicki Gleeson, pro bodyboarder, web entrepreneur: (In a strong Aussie accent) It's going computerized. I think, you know, there's going to be live cameras all over the world. You'll be able to see people bodyboarding at all the surf spots around the world. Live video footage of every contest. You'll be able to watch every heat on the computer. You'll be able to surf on the computer, which they already are with computer games. I think the maneuvers, they've already reached their potential, I think, but I mean there's going to be more tweaked out maneuvers, but I think it's going to progress more into coverage and media instead of maneuvers, if that makes sense.
Ray Ginto, recreational bodyboarder, part-time beach enforcer: At the rate these kids are going, they only going faster and higher. Us old guys look like dinosaurs when they come out. Faster and higher!
Bernie Baker, Professional Surf Photographer, Triple Crown Contest Director, Magazine Co-Owner, North Shore Guru: Probably like surfing, you won't recognize it. Totally different than anything; something different than what you guys are on now, material-wise. I think the speed'll probably increase twofold. You know the way computers are increasing speeds? I think bodyboarding will increase in speed, way faster than surfing, for sure. You know what, bodyboarding will always be faster than surfing.
Intro |
The Contest |
Various Subplots |
The Future |
In Summary