Mixed Plate
Poetry -- S is for...

in the dark
The doorbell rings.
My coworker has another ride.
She passes me the car keys.
I’m out of here!
Trader Joe’s is still open.
Damn, there’s so much to choose from.
I settle for mixed nuts and chocolates.
It’s nippy outside.
Gotta eat at Rubio’s.
Chicken burrito y fish taco.
No chihuahua’s here.
Muy hot sauce!
I drive to Windansea.
Miss the turnoff in the dark... again.
Parking lot is empty.
Where is everybody?
Mandatory Metallica blasts at 8.
Quarter moonlight lights the horizon.
Waist-high surf trickles in from the NW.
Damn, I wish my Achilles was healed.
I shiver violently in the car.
It’s dark, cold, small and I can’t surf anyway.
I ask myself why the heck am I there?
Then I remember, I’m a surfer.