Mixed Plate
The Micro Tank -- Makani#104 (1/05)
Taryn's very own board

My friend gave me an old blank so I had Makani shape it into a small board for Taryn. Turned into a nice "microtank" that works pretty well, if I do say so myself. Jeannie Chesser did some nice artwork for Taryn. Now, if I can just get my daughter in the water...


Length: 6'6 "
Nose: 16.75"
Width: 19.75"
Tail: 13.5"
Thickness: 2.6125"
Glass: 6/4 oz deck, 6 oz bottom
Shape: Flat entry rocker for Town
Bottom: Subtle single to dual concave
Fin configuration: Standard FCS thruster setup


The underbelly


Jeannie Chesser's great artwork
