Mixed Plate
Caption Contest #3 --
And the winning captions are...

LIKE A ROCK ! ... in the sand

See ya at low tide, Bro.
In March/April 2003, I ran a caption contest in the alt.surfing newsgroup. The winner was "Awe F'shore" who provided a caption for each
photo. Here's the original post and all the snipped responses. Thanks
for participating.
From: Neal Miyake (sponge@iav.com)
Subject: stuck! Caption Contest #3
Newsgroups: alt.surfing
Date: 2003-03-26 08:10:36 PST
I personally don't like jetskis, but even I felt bad for this
guy. Afterriding around in an obvious "No PWC" zone, he tried
getting his ski on the trailer and out of the water. Got stuck
in the soft sand with an incoming tide. Took several hours, and
finally got out with a tow truck and winch, but not before
flooding his undercarriage and probably the cab with salt water
(exhaust was literally bubbling).
Couldn't decide on a single picture, so I posted two of the
better ones. Choose one and write a caption. Will send the
winner something (tbd).
If you are interested, here are caption contests 1 and 2:
From: Foon (foon@newsguy.com)
Date: 2003-03-26 10:35:57 PST
The Postal Service adds a new condition to it's Motto.
From: Surfworx Photography (surfworx@chariot.net.au)
Date: 2003-03-26 16:46:35 PST
Hehehe excellent photo.......here's a caption:
"Can you read Japanese? I think it means let the air in the truck
tyres down, not the trailer........."
From: Michael Sullivan (sully@forsythe.stanford.edu)
Date: 2003-03-26 17:00:04 PST
> http://www.hisurfadvisory.com/temp/jetski_tow2.jpg
First arrivals in the Annual Running of the Kooks.
From: Bud (bud@wavelust.com)
Date: 2003-03-26 17:40:08 PST
"The water skiing Chevy was working great until it got
dark & the crew ran aground"
From: "K"
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2003 20:30:11 -0500
I knew when I towed you into that last one you could ride it to
the beach!
From: Bud
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2003 01:36:06 GMT
"The water skiing Chevy was working great until it got dark & the
crew ran aground"
From: "Robert Feigel (aka Bob)"
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2003 13:42:54 +1200
What goes around comes around.
From: "Awe F'shore"
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2003 02:34:37 GMT
Here's a cappy for each:
> http://www.hisurfadvisory.com/temp/jetski_tow.jpg
L I K E A R O C K ! ... in the sand
> http://www.hisurfadvisory.com/temp/jetski_tow2.jpg
See ya at low tide, Bro.
From: distantjones@aol.com (The Supreme Court)
Date: 28 Mar 2003 02:35:11 GMT
From: "The Checkered Demon"
Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2003 21:08:56 -0500
After the disastrous jetski incident, Stokely wondered if
his new 'friend' Dirk would think their first date was
a washout.
Aloha from Paradise,