Outside Pastures -- 12/12/06

Hard to gauge from afar
Date: December 8, 2006
Time: 0730--0830
Spot(s): Outside Patures
Conditions: Chaotic
Swell: Big NW swell
Surf: 6-8'+ Haw'n
Words: Day off. Hoped to shoot the opening day of the Pipe Masters, but it was not meant to be. Surf was way too north and stormy. Lots of sand has built up over the reef at Pipe--not a good thing.
After talking story with a bunch of people, I moved on to find a spot to get wet. Ended up going solo at "Pastures". Kind of tossing, but there were a few nuggets. Caught three small pockets before coming in. I'm happy.

Aloha from Paradise,