Going Retro -- 2/26/06

Small, but kinda fun
Date: February 26, 2006
Time: 0630--0900
Spot(s): Sinals
Conditions: Cloudy, small, not too crowded
Swell: Remnant NNE
Surf: 1-3' Haw'n
Words: Smallest its been in a long time. Decided to pull out my friends old Aipa. It's a '73 single with a huge channel on the bottom. Could easily be one of those experimental dogs.
Turns out that for me, it worked really well. Little tight on edge, but when I released the edge, the board just went into another gear! Worked well for the short, walled up lefts while going backside.
Crowd started off slow, but ended up feeling like Town. Still, most people were cordial and cool.
Looking forward to telling Ben that the board actually works!

Aloha from Paradise,