Humbled at Haleiwa -- 3/20/05

James Clancy scoring a set wave in the finals
Date: March 20, 2005
Time: 0615--0700, then contest time
Spot(s): Lani's ,Haleiwa
Conditions: Not bad in the early morning, but turning onshore and ugly later on
Swell: Dropping, but still substantial nnw
Surf: 4-6+' Haw'n
Words: For fun I entered an amateur surf contest at Haleiwa. Heat was at 0800 so I decided not to waste water time and dawned it with Buddy and Rich at Lani's. In less than an hour I scored three good waves, including a really nice set. Came in early and went to the contest, where I got resoundingly schooled by the kids. Took some shots there--mostly onshore and warpy. Still, a great day in the water.

Aloha from Paradise,