Somewhere South 2 -- 9/29/04

I'm not telling where
Date: September 29, 2004
Time: 0730--0845
Spot(s): somewhere south
Conditions: Light offshores, only four of us
Swell: Yet another late-season south, somewhat inconsistent
Surf: 2-4' Haw'n
Words: Went out once again to the same spot. Was a bit nervous at first, because I saw a couple of "land sharks" cruising the parking lot. Ended up being no cause for alarm.
I promised the guys in the lineup that I wouldn't name the break (never intended to). We had a good rotation going, sharing waves and talking story. Little more consistent than the day before, but not as big on the sets. Went to work with a positive glow.

Aloha from Paradise,