Josh Groban -- 2/14/04

This is no Josh Groban at Backdoor
Date: February 14, 2004
Time: 0630 -- 0915
Spot(s): Pipe/Backdoor
Conditions: Slightly onshore; no crowd
Swell: Mixed swells
Surf: 3-4' Haw'n
Words: Went out early to Pipe/Backdoor. Surf was sketchier
than I expected, with low tide conditions prevailing. Still wanted
to try the shortboard.
Conditions weren't too hot, but amazingly the crowd
was small to nonexistent. I wasn't complaining one bit. The well-overhead
surf was kicking my butt again, but I just went with it.
When I surf, sometimes I get a song stuck in my head.
Well, the song that I couldn't get out of my mind was "To Where You
Are" by Josh Groban. Not the most inspiring surf song, but I have
to admit it was quite hilarious.
Caught underwater after an especially long hold-down
at Backdoor, all that ran through my mind was, "A breath away's not
far to where you are."
Aloha from Paradise,