Tanker Cam -- 11/14/03

Jimmy, taken from the tanker-cam
Date: November 14, 2003
Time: 0745 -- 1030
Spot(s): Laniakea
Conditions: Minor-kine windswell; ultralight crowd
Swell: Northeasterly wrap Surf: 1-2' Haw'n
Words: Wasn't planning on surfing, but my friend Jimmy
gave me a buzz (on the phone). I'm a pushover when it comes to people
asking me to go surfing with them. Since I had the day off, I went
for it.
There were no groundswells to speak of whatsoever--only
tradewind wrap. So I decided to match Jimmy and brought my longboard.
The session was actually very enjoyable. There was no
pressure to perform, no stress from dangerous conditions, no hassles
from the crowd. We were just out there, yelling at each other in jest,
clowning around.
Started off trying to take pictures of each other while
surfing. Actually might've got some decent photos, but only time will
My maneuver of the day was a floater off a pitching
lip. Jimmy said I missed out seeing his double-overhead barrel. Shucks!
Eventually came in refreshed and happy. It wasn't about
high performance or big waves. This time, it was just about pure fun.