Reinvigorate -- 6/20/03

Wouldn't this make you feel better?
Date: June 20, 2003
Time: 0800--0845
Spot(s): Ala Moana Bowls
Conditions: Light side-offshores, semi-crowded
Swell: Severely declined south swell Surf: 1-2'+ Haw'n
Words: Was just burnt out from work. I had missed the
massive south swell on Wednesday, and its decline on Thursday. Knew
there wouldn't be much left, but I needed to reinvigorate my soul.
Paddled out on the shortboard intending to catch some
of the punk rights at Bowls. Just being in the water was nice. Waves
were really clean, but unremarkable. Managed to sneak into one shoulder-high
left that sizzled down the line. No wonder this wave is so coveted--even
when its small its still fun.
In no time flat, I had to leave. Went into work with
a nice endorphin buzz. Ahhh. Just what the doctor ordered.
Aloha from Paradise,