Two Shoes at Rocky’s -- 3/2/03

Jose, pulling some G's at Rocky Rights
Date: March 2, 2003
Time: 0630-1000
Spot(s): Rocky Rights
Conditions: Turning winds, funky and overcast, smallish crowd growing
towards the end
Swell: nnw swell Surf: 3-4’+ Haw’n
Words: Surfed with alt.surfer Jose (aka Dos Zapatos aka Two Shoes)
and his friend Chris at Rocky Point. Conditions were a bit weird,
with misty rain, semi-swirly winds and a funky swell, but there were
some excellent waves to be had. Everyone scored their share of overhead
barrels. Chris got the tube of the session--from the back, the wave
spat big time then he emerged full blast over the top. As is his online
persona, Jose is a cool dude. Stoke level was high.
I had a banner session with some excellent tube rides. Waves looked
semi-closed out, but most of the time they held on and funneled to
the inside reef. In the end, the crowd got to me and I cut my losses
and left.

Jose again, on a left at Rocky Rights (make sense?)

Chris scored some good ones

Good waves, rainbow--must be in paradise!
Aloha from Paradise,