Punchy -- 2/23/03

Buddy falling from the sky
Date: February 23, 2003
Time: 0630-0930
Spot(s): Pipe/Backdoor and Rocky Rights
Conditions: Medium trades, average crowd
Swell: Ebbing nnw swell (Buoy #1 around 7 ft, 13 sec)
Surf: 3-4'+ Haw'n
Words: Went out early to Pipeline. Was about to jump in when this
Brazilian ran ahead of me. For some reason, I took it upon myself
to be the first in the lineup. A paddle-battle ensued, and I made
it out in the lineup first in the semi-dark. Caught the first wave
which was a puny shoulder-high bowl.
Soon afterwards, about a dozen other Brazilian surfers/bodyboarders
flooded the lineup, bringing their intensity. Actually, although they
are aggressive, I find them comforting because they are truly passionate
and stoked on waveriding. I think I was fortunate because I knew (distant
acquaintance) Paulo Barcellos, a former world bodyboarding champ.
Just having him acknowledge me in the lineup probably helped.
Caught only one decent wave. Took off deep on a small Pipe left and
banked tight under the lip. The wave barreled nicely, but the tube
contorted into this warping cave. I was able to steer inside the short
barrel and come out clean on the other side. Made my session.
Soon afterwards, I came out of the water to hook up with Buddy. He
was about to jump in at Rocky Point, so I joined up with him, deciding
to play water photographer with a new plexiglass rig he had (complete
with toy camera). Jack also joined us.
The surf actually looked pretty heavy, with a pretty consistent swell
pushing through with grinding rights (seemed bigger and more consistent
than when I was out at Pipe earlier).
Unfortunately, it was very cloudy pretty much ruining any opportunity
for clean, sunny shots. I made the most of it, though, watching for
patches of clear sky and timing my photos accordingly. When it was
cloudy, I stole out to the peak and snagged a couple of the sets away
from the crowd.
Got worked more than a few times by the punchy waves, but I think
I got away pretty easy. Pictures came out decent, although this camera
setup would not be practical for the way we take pictures while surfing.

Buddy foto
Aloha from Paradise,