Sparkle Show -- 7/4/98

Small but fun
Flew home with the family for the Fourth of July weekend. We just cruised on Kauai having a really good time "bonding". My daughter Taryn had a blast roughhousing with a friend's son and even did the Bon Dance thing again with Mommy and Grandma.
I managed to squeeze in a short sesh at Shipwrecks. Surf was only 1-2' (Haw'n), but it was still rippable and fun. Tried a couple of backflips and ended up tweaking my jaw big-time on the bad landings--under-rotated and landed in the flats. Taking longer and longer to recover from these injuries.
Last wave was utterly memorable--faded just a little on the takeoff and set up for a perfect micro-tublet. As the lip cascaded overhead, my vision was blanked out by the bright morning sun. Despite being blinded by the sparkling glare, I held trim as the wave eventually backed off and let me out. For one brief moment, I was truly basking in all of nature's glory.
That night we rushed back from a party just in time to see a beautiful fireworks show over the stadium. Taryn was impressed, saying, "Ooooh, pretty!" As for me, well, I already had my sparkle show for the day.
Aloha from Paradise,